Shop Talk
Shop owner, Adam, purchased this vehicle off of Craigslist in 2004 with a blown headgasket for $500. When purchased, the vehicle was 100% stock. Since then it has been through multiple AutoX seasons, RallyX seasons, track days, midnight runs, and...
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Recently, Adam picked up a dream project of his- a 1973 Dodge Dart. It's old, has some rust but it has a promising future.For this first update, we want to show some of the beginning work he's done to it. The...
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We see a lot of different builds come through our shop but every once and awhile, something really catches our attention. Pete is back in this month with his 1998 Legacy Brighton that’s undoubtedly one of the most unique builds...
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This is Northwest Rally Sports’ first Client Spotlight! The purpose of these are to showcase some rather impressive, aesthetic, and head turning builds that we see come through the shop. With that being said, I would like to introduce Shiloh’s...
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